In 2019 only 17% of SMBs in France used a CRM. That shows how far behind France is in terms of customer relations.
This figure focuses on France only, but studies have shown that top countries like USA, Germany and the UK also have similar percentages.
Another interesting fact, among fewer companies that use a CRM, is that the large majority do not exploit the full potential of it, and the main reason is due to a lack of knowledge on the CRM.
It is a shame when you know how much a CRM can do for a business, from saving time to efficiency and a more productive team are some examples.
So we decided to give you four tips to build customer loyalty through a CRM 👍.
1 – Better knowledge of your customers
First and foremost, organizing your CRM allows you to collect data about your clients and potential leads.
This data allows you to communicate more effectively with your clients, and potential clients as much as the team, in a collaborative structure.
Paying attention to your customer’s interests, thanks to your CRM, allows you to know that one of them is only looking for ski jackets, for example, so it would be a shame to offer him swimsuits, right. That is why your CRM will allow you to perfectly identify your customer’s needs and offer them the best deal.
2 – Customer communication management via the CRM
Thanks to the functionalities of your CRM and the data you have about them, allows you to know how to communicate to each customer’s segment.
This allows you to have consistent communication between you and your customers.
Use CRM planning especially to set reminders, contact interactions, reminders about what to do next etc…
Having in place well-established communication, helps you avoid repeated tasks, not forget to do something for them, or not annoy them when it is not necessary.
If you have staggered your contacts, you are on the right track.
Of course, all this is valid whether you are alone or in a team because a CRM allows sharing all this information between the sales representatives and other departments in your company.
3 – Synchronize your CRM with your after-sales service.
Managing your customers should take into account the entire customer experience, so don’t forget after-sales. In the event of any request from your client, you must be responsive and efficient. What could be better than sharing information via CRM to have an ultra-efficient after-sales service that can easily understand customers expectations, without the customer having to detail everything? This will make the customer feel privileged and is an excellent basis for building customer loyalty.
4 – Monitoring of your marketing operations
You may already know this, but a CRM can also be a tool for you to measure the effectiveness of your methods. You will be able to calculate the impact of your marketing operations on your business results via the notes and the monitoring done on the CRM.
For example, an email campaign that would have had a very low opening rate wouldn’t be sent again to the same customer segment, or it would change to something more target-oriented.
This allows you to bounce back quickly by modifying actions deemed ineffective. CRM is therefore very interesting for developing a business towards a modern, so-called, agile marketing method.
Briefly, to satisfy your customers, you have to simplify the customer experience as much as possible while more precisely meeting the expectations of each one of them. We will speak of a “seamless course”. Of course, combining simplicity and efficiency is not that easy.
You will need a CRM to avoid discrepancies or errors.
It is super important to build the best possible experience for the customer, because if they are satisfied with your services, then you have good chances of retaining them later.
If you have made it this far, thank you for reading 🤗! Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding CRMs, we can advise and help you choose the best CRM for you 🧐.
Bye for now! 👋